Why fundraising is so great for children

Why fundraising is so great for children

Kids don't have to be excluded from fundraising, in fact they shouldn’t be. Encouraging children to raise money for charity is a great way to teach them social responsibility and how their actions can really make a difference to others. It can instill the values of charitability and generosity. Fundraising can also provide some tangible learning opportunities for students. Talking to potential customers, tracking orders, handling money, and delivering goods, can teach kids lessons that will benefit them in other areas of their lives. Children may gain confidence, improve communication skills, learn about personal responsibility, and practice their math and financial skills, to name a few. While helping with these skills certainly won’t be a primary goal of your fundraiser, you might consider incorporating them into your plan as an extra benefit. It’s easy to see how students can learn customer service skills from participating in fundraisers. Smiling, making eye contact, and using clear, direct speech are all skills kids need to develop to help them later in life. Fundraisers show them the significance of presentation, setting and reaching a goal, and accepting responsibility for completion.

There are plenty of unique fundraising ideas and events that will encourage kids to get in the spirit of giving while having fun running around, playing, and raising money for a fantastic cause. The Cochrane & Area Humane Society (CAHS) often has children who have raised funds from their birthday parties or lemonade stands and one recent donation from Matt Fisher who raised $1000 fixing bikes over his summer vacation. We couldn’t do what we do without our wonderful volunteers and all the kids like Matt, who work so hard to raise funds for the shelter.

Helping children create a fundraising campaign that meets a personal as well as charitable goals and help keep them maintaining a positive attitude, having friendly competition and be resilient for whatever life’s future has to offer!

If you are looking for ideas or different ways to help donate to the shelter, please visit our website or contact the shelter during public hours.


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